Specifying time periods and points in time

You can enter a time in several dialogs in Visum. Examples are walk times at stops or the headway start and end in a tabular timetable.

You can enter times in the following formats:

Time periods
  • s (seconds)
  • min (minutes)
  • h (hours)

Example: 3s are 3 seconds.

Tip: If you enter a time period without a unit (s, h or min), it is generally interpreted in minutes - in some exceptions in seconds. If you are not sure, we recommend that you enter the unit as well.

Points in time
  • hh:mm:ss
  • hh:mm

Example: 06:10:00 stands for the point in time 06:10 a.m.

You can also enter this point in time as follows: 6,10 or 6:10. If you want to specify 6 o'clock, you can simply enter 6.

In the attribute selection, you specify how you want times output in lists (Editing the display properties of attributes).

Note: If you read or set time periods without a unit via COM, e.g. using the AttValue method, these are generally interpreted in seconds.