Displaying isochrones and the accessibility of network objects

You have several possibilities to display the accessibility of network objects:

  • Isochrones are lines, as on a chart or map, with the same time value. They describe places that have the same temporal distance from a certain point (Fundamentals: Isochrones).
  • You can display all network objects of one type classified according to their accessibility starting from selected network objects. For example you can use a color ramp to visualize the accessibility of all nodes from the currently selected zones.
  • In PrT you can assign colors to links in accordance with their accessibility from marked network objects.

Note: The accessibility of network objects can be displayed simultaneously in the network for both PuT and PrT. For example, you can assign colors to links in accordance with their accessibility in PrT and display PuT isochrones at the same time (Displaying isochrones and accessibility in PuT).