Calculating noise volumes

The following example describes the individual work steps for calculating the noise volume produced by HGVs.

Calculating HGV share

If the HGV share p is not yet available as attribute value, it has to be specified first.

1.  Load the demand matrix for the demand segments car and HGV(Opening matrices).

2.  Perform an assignment for the demand segments car and HGV (Setting and calculating the parameters for PrT assignment).

Note: The assignment can be performed with all assignment procedures.

3.  Calculate the HGV shares (Calculating attribute values from the values of other attributes)

Calculating noise volume

1.  On the Calculate menu, click Environmental impact parameters.

The Environmental parameters window opens.

2.  Select the Basis tab.

3.  Make the desired changes.



Calculation base

Selection of the calculation basis for all environmental calculation methods. The calculation is based on traffic volumes.

Volume PrT [Veh]

The volumes are adopted from the assignment results. That means vCur per link and TSys is calculated based on tCur, via link type-specific VD functions (Definition and application of volume-delay functions).

AddValue1, AddValue2 or AddValue3

The volumes are adopted from the selected AddValue (count data), i.e. vCur results from the link type specific VD functions (Definition and application of volume-delay functions).

Valid speed ranges

You can specify the valid speed for cars and HGV for all environmental calculation procedures. The valid speed ranges are only used if the option v0 free speed is selected under Noise.


If the calculation is based on vCur, the following applies:

vMin is considered if vCur < vMin.

vMax is considered if vCur > vMax.


You can specify specific parameters for the calculation of the noise volume.

v0 free speed

Noise calculation is carried out with permissible maximum speed v0 in accordance with RLS-90. Value range for minimum and maximum v0 for cars is 30-130 km/h and for HGV 30-80 km/h.

vCur current speed

Noise calculation is carried out with specific, volume-dependent speed vCur contrary to the standard model calculation values of RLS-90. In this case, the specified patterns and valid speeds apply.


Noise calculation in accordance with RLS-90 is based on the so-called relevant hourly traffic volume M in [car/h].

If the volumes used as a calculation basis are available as average daily traffic volumes or ADT in [car/24h], M is determined by specifying the conversion factors according table 3 on page 14 in RLS-90 lists the conversion factors mADT. For this purpose, the values determined from the table must be specified for each global link type StrT.

If suitable project-specific analysis results for determining the relevant hourly traffic volume M are available (no peak hour values), these can be used. In this case, the factor 1 must be specified for all global link types (StrT).

4.  Confirm with OK.

The changes are applied.

5.  On the Calculate menu, click Calculate environmental impact > Noise-Emis-Rls90 or Noise-Emis-Nordic.

The noise volume is calculated based on the link according to the selected procedure. The result for each link is written to the link attribute Noise.

Note: Links with volumes < 10 veh/h are not regarded in noise calculation.

Confirm with OK.

The changes are applied.

6.  Execute the procedure (Setting up and starting the procedure sequence).

The length-based acoustic power level is calculated per source line. The result for each link is written to the link attribute Noise.