Opening the graphical and the tabular timetable

In Visum, the graphical and tabular timetables are opened in separate windows. Each timetable window may remain open once per Visum instance.

  • ►  On the Window toolbar, click the Open timetable (graphical) button or the Open timetable (tabular) button .

Tip: Alternatively, from the View menu, choose Timetable (graphical) or Timetable (tabular).

The window of the timetable selected opens.

Tips: You can also display network objects marked in the network directly in the timetable:

You can also call up the timetables with the current selection via the shortcut menu:

  • In lists of the line hierarchy
  • In the Transfers display of regular services window
  • In the Schematic line diagram window

Note: If you open a timetable, the existing line selection and stop sequence is replaced by the current marking (lines, line routes, links, stops, edges of the schematic line diagram). If you want to disregard the current marking and display the previously existing line selection and stop sequence with the timetable, you can return to the previous state by clicking the  Undo icon.