Visualization of vehicles from the simulation-based dynamic assignment

Individual vehicles of the simulation-based dynamic assignment (SBA) can be visualized in a special view window (User Manual: The window 3-D network view - SBA). The display of individual vehicles is an important tool to identify sources of error during network modeling and calibration. However, it can also be used for presentation purposes and to illustrate assignment results.

The SBA visualization view is a special form of the 3-D network view in which you can also take advantage of the possibility of recording a movie using storyboards.

A prerequisite for the visualization of the individual vehicles is the recording of trajectories. Trajectories can be generated by settings in the assignment parameters. If no trajectories are available when opening the view but an SBA assignment result is available, the recording can also be started from the notification bar in the SBA visualization view. If there are several procedures with an SBA assignment in the procedure sequence, select one of them, and define the settings for recording. A warm start is then performed with a single iteration exclusively for the generation of the trajectories.

Immediately after opening the view or after recording the trajectories playing of the recording is started. Besides the vehicles, the graph of the simulation is visible as well as the switching states of the signal heads. The default settings of the graphic parameters are selected so that vehicles are displayed classified according to their speed. The representation of the vehicles is also influenced by the settings for the effective vehicle length at the transport system and the link attribute SBA effective vehicle length factor. The graph of the simulation is displayed with the number of lanes. Since the graph depends on the modeling of the network (Node-edge graph), it is subject to changes, which are triggered, for example, by corrections of the node geometry. To allow seamless checking of different parts of the network, the graph is only updated when trajectories are recorded again. When closing the view, trajectories can optionally be discarded.

The view supports fast navigation in both space and time. With the help of the play bar, you can jump to any point in the recording and also adjust the playing speed of the recording (User Manual: Adjusting the display of SBA trajectories). The visualization is influenced by both the time within the simulation time interval and the current analysis time interval. When playing a recording, the time changes continuously and causes the analysis time interval to be updated when the start time of a new analysis time interval is reached. In contrast, changing the analysis time interval via the toolbar causes the play time to be set to the start time of the new analysis time interval, i.e. you can play the graphical display of aggregated results of the analysis time intervals synchronously with the visualization of individual vehicles. The SBA visualization is also spatially synchronized with other windows. When synchronization is active, clicking a node, for example, changes the section of the screen in the network editor and the selection in the junction editor (User Manual: Synchronizing the SBA visualization with other windows).