Defining and editing a schematic line diagram

To create a schematic line diagram, you first need to add the relevant transfer nodes to the graphics, individually (User Manual: Displaying individual stops as transfer nodes) or bundled by a filter (User Manual: Displaying active stops as transfer nodes). Visum automatically positions the squares that symbolize a transfer node each based on the geographic location of the nodes and avoids a graphical overlap. You can edit the position of the transfer nodes to achieve the desired layout (User Manual: Manually editing schematic line diagrams). This does not change the geographical location of the stops in the network. Stops that are added later will be positioned automatically by Visum even if the display is stretched or compressed.

To add edge courses to the view, you have to select the relevant vehicle journeys individually or by choosing time slots, lines, directions, line routes or time profiles (User Manual: Displaying vehicle journeys in the schematic line diagram). An edge course in the schematic line diagram always represents a set of vehicle journeys. Depending on the aggregate function and the connection of edges (User Manual: Setting the layout for schematic line diagrams), Visum generates one or more edge courses between the transfer nodes. These are inserted automatically, preferably without any overlap and arranged in a clearly visible manner. The size of each transfer node is adjusted depending on the number of attached edge courses. You can manually edit the courses as well as the positions where the edge courses touch the transfer nodes. Edge courses can have any number of intermediate points between which they are always arranged rectangularly or diagonally. A help grid is used for the positioning of the transfer nodes and the edge courses, which can be displayed, if needed.

Besides the manual editing of the layout, you can optimize the positions of the transfer nodes and the edge courses later with an automatic algorithm.