Defining scenarios based on modifications

After you have defined modifications for your project, you can combine them to create scenarios. Scenarios are also assigned a unique name and a description. For each scenario, you can choose several modifications that are applied to the base version. If you do not select a modification, the scenario simply corresponds to the base model. If you select several modifications, Visum applies them according to the sequence in your list of modifications. Then check to make sure the modifications you selected can be combined. You can also remove or add modifications to a scenario later on.

Under Project view, you can open any scenario in the entry view or the results view. Choose the entry view to check the scenario or to perform an interactive analysis, e.g. isochrones calculation or shortest path search.

Note: Avoid editing the model in this view, as your changes will then be lost the next time you open the scenario. Instead, always make your changes to the base version or the modifications.

If you save a scenario as a version file, your version file will have no connection to scenario management. However, you can use it to pass on the entry data of a certain scenario to other users. The results view is described in a separate chapter (Analyzing and comparing calculation results).