Adding license servers to the list of all searchable servers
All licenses found locally on your computer and the license servers accessible to you are displayed in the License Management window. In the CodeMeter settings window, the License server section displays a list of all license servers that are searched for licenses by your computer (Opening the license management in the product). In this window, you can edit the list of license servers.
Note: All licenses available locally on your computer will be found automatically. You must add only other computers or network servers to the server search list. |
1. Open the License Management window (Opening the license management in the product) or (Managing licenses with the PTV License Manager).
2. Click theEdit CodeMeter settings symbol .
The CodeMeter settings window opens.
3. In the License server section, click the Add license server symbol.
4. In the Insert license server window, enter the name or network address of the license server.
5. Confirm with OK.
The license server will be added to the list in the License servers section.