Assigning modifications to a scenario

To create a scenario, which is different from your base version, you need to assign the scenario modifications. You can only assign a scenario modifications that can be combined. You can check in advance whether they can be combined or not (Checking combinability of modifications).

1.  Make sure the desired project is open (Editing basic settings of the project).

2.  In the Edit project window, click the Scenarios tab.

3.  In the row of the respective scenario, in the Modifications column, click the respective button.

The Select modifications window opens.

4.  Select the modifications of your choice.

Note: If you click on a column header, you can filter the respective column to reduce the amount of modifications displayed.

5.  Confirm with OK.

The modifications selected are assigned to the scenario.

Note: The Modifications column only displays the modifications selected. If one of these modifications is dependent on another modification, the latter is also automatically assigned to the scenario. You can find a list of all assigned modifications on the Modifications tab in the Modifications (completed) column. The Modifications (completed, sorted by load order) column lists all modifications of a scenario in the order they are loaded. The order is specified on the Modifications tab (Specifying the load order of modifications).