Mobility as a Service (MaaS) export

From a Visum network, you can export data to a format that you can then import and analyze in the MaaS Modeller.

  • Make sure that a coordinate system has been set in your network (Selecting a coordinate system).
  • Make sure that POI categories are defined whose POIs model service areas and PUDO schemes. The selected POI category must contain at least one POI with a node or zone network object reference.
  • Make sure that a skim matrix with the attributes tCur and Trip distance is available for at least one PrT demand segment (Calculating PrT skim matrices).

1.  From the File menu, choose > Export. Then select MaaS Modeller.

2.  Select the Basic settings tab.

3.  Make the desired changes.



Model name

Enter a model name for the exported data.


The model name may only consist of characters permitted in Windows file names, as in the output folder, a *.zip file with the model name is generated.


Description of the model

Comparison data of the base case

Total cost

In the input field, enter the total cost of the base case with which you want to compare the scenarios of the MaaS Modeller.

Total revenue

In the input field, enter the total revenue of the base case with which you want to compare the scenarios of the MaaS Modeller.


The base case is the actual situation of the transport network, for example, which you want to evaluate using the scenarios from the MaaS Modeller.

Export to folder

Enter the storage location for the exported model data.

4.  Select the Access and egress tab.

5.  Make the desired changes.



Allocation of nodes to zones section

You can use the options to specify which From- and To-nodes can be assigned to a zone.

Nodes with an active connector to the zone

Select this option to allocate nodes to zones based on the active connectors.

Nodes in the zone polygon

If this option is selected, nodes are allocated to a zone based on the zone polygons. Here you can enter a buffer distance in meters.

Nodes for which the zone number is contained in the following node attribute

If this option is selected, select a node attribute via the button. A zone is allocated the nodes whose specified node attribute has the number of the zone as value.

Demand share

Click the button to select a node attribute. The node attribute determines the share of demand for each node in the zone.

The attribute acts as a weight. For example, if three nodes with weights 1, 2, and 3 are assigned to a zone, the first node accounts for 1/6, the second node 2/6, and the third node 3/6 of the demand of the zone.

PUDO schemes section

Maximum walk time

Maximum walk time from a node to or from a pick-up/drop-off point.

Maximum number of pick-up or drop-off points per node

Maximum number of pick-up or drop-off points considered per From- or To-node.

From the drop-down list of the POI categories, choose the desired entry. This determines the set of nodes at which passengers can be picked up or dropped off. The associated table displays the items of the selected POI category and the number of nodes.


The name of a POI in Visum can be empty. In this case, the POI name "PUDO scheme[number] ([number of] nodes]" is exported.

6.  Select the Service areas tab.

7.  Make the desired changes.



Service areas

A service area is a set of zones. It describes the part of the network in which the MaaS supply is operated.

From the drop-down list, select the desired POI category as service area.

The table displays the POIs of the category selected:

  • Number
  • Name
  • Number of zones


The name of a POI in Visum can be empty. In this case, the name "Service area[number] ([number of] zones]" is exported.

8.  Select the OD demand tab.

9.  In the export column, select the PuT demand segments for which you want to export demand descriptions.

10.  Select the Vehicle types tab.

11.  In the export column, select the PuT demand segments for whose vehicle types you want to export the corresponding skim matrices.

Note: The times are interpreted in minutes, lengths in kilometers. You need to scale the matrices before the export if the values have a different unit.

12.  Select the Holding areas tab.

13.  Make the desired changes .



Node is holding area

Selection of an attribute that determines whether a node serves as a holding area for vehicles

Holding areas are starting positions for the vehicle fleet.

Weight of holding area

Selection of an attribute that weights the holding area.

14.  Confirm with OK.

The MaaS export is executed and the data is saved to a *.zip file in the desired folder. The file consists of several *.txt files in CSV format, which contain the exported information, such as demand matrices and the data for the exported network objects.