Marking paths

1.  Open the Paths window (Opening the Paths window).

2.  If required, restrict the number of paths which is searched.



Path sets/demand segments drop-down list

Selection of a path set or demand segment


The paths which are allocated to the path set/demand segment are displayed.

Manually inserted paths are issued per path set. Paths generated in assignments are issued per demand segment.

Drop-down list

You can restrict the display views to the following:

All routes

All routes are displayed.

Flow bundle routes

All routes of the currently displayed flow bundle are issued.

Filter for OD pairs

All routes of the current OD pair filter are displayed.

3.  Press Ctrl and, one by one, click the paths that you want to mark.

Tip: You can also select a single path via the input field. To do this, enter the name of the path in the field. The path is selected in the list.

The course of the paths is marked in the network.

4.  If required, click the Zoom button.

The network section is enlarged and the marked paths are positioned in the middle of the section.

Tips: Use the Initialize button if you want to remove the previously marked paths from the selection.

You can also mark the path courses of a path set by clicking a node or zone which is traversed by a path.