Converting percentage time series to matrix time series
If you want to create a subnetwork from a network in which a dynamic assignment has been calculated, it is necessary to convert demand time series based on standard percentage time series into demand time series based on matrix standard time series. During the conversion, you can either start from the demand segment or from the demand time series:
- Demand segment
A new demand time series with a new standard time series of the type "matrix time series" is generated for the demand segment. The demand segment refers to the new time series.
- Demand time series
For each demand segment referencing the demand time series to be converted, a new demand time series with a new default time series of the type matrix time series is generated during conversion.
Note: An existing assignment result is not deleted by the conversion. |
1. On the Demand menu, click Demand data.
The Demand data window opens.
2. Select the Demand time series tab or the Demand segments tab.
3. Mark the percentage time series that you want to convert into a matrix time series.
4. Click the Convert percentage time series to matrix time series symbol.
5. Confirm with OK.
The percentage time series is converted into a matrix time series and the references of the demand segments are adjusted.