Aggregating marked zones to one zone

1.  Mark minimum two zones that you want to aggregate (Marking zones).

The selected zones are marked.

2.  Right-click in the network display.

A shortcut menu opens.

3.  Select the Aggregate entry.

A query opens.

4.  Confirm with Yes or Yes for all.

5.  Confirm another prompt if you have confirmed the previous prompt with Yes and an assignment result was available.

The Edit zone window opens.

6.  Enter the desired data (Properties and options of zones).

Note: By default, the type of the aggregated zone is set to 0 and the distribution type for connectors to absolute.

7.  Confirm with OK.

Note: If you close the window with Cancel, your modifications will be discarded and the standard settings will be applied.

The new aggregated zone is inserted.

Notes: The centroid of the new zone is automatically set to the geometric centroid of the centroids of the original zones.

The zone boundary of the new zone combines all boundaries of the original zones.

The demand data and the AddValues of the original zones are added up.

All connecting nodes (nodes via which the zone is connected to the network) are transferred.