Specifying the number of link orientations

You can specify how many directions are generally permitted at nodes and main nodes.

1.  On the Network menu, click Network settings.

The Network settings window opens.

2.  Select the Network objects tab.

3.  In the Link orientations section, check the desired option.



Prefer main directions

If this option has been selected, only main directions (N, SE, SW, NW) are used at nodes and main nodes with up to four links. Only for nodes with five or more links, secondary directions (NE, SE, SW, NW) will also be used. Secondary directions (for example NNW) are only used for nodes with more than eight links.

Use main and secondary directions

If this option has been selected, main and secondary directions are used at all nodes and main nodes with up to eight links. Secondary directions (for example NNW) are only used for nodes with more than eight links.


This option is useful if you want to allocate secondary directions at an angular intersection, for example.

Always use subordinate secondary directions

If this option has been selected, also subordinate secondary directions (for example NNW) can be used at all nodes and main nodes.

4.  Confirm with OK.

Notes: If you have changed the number of the directions, you should recalculate the link orientations .

You can edit the orientations of individual nodes in the junction editor (Editing links in the schematic view).