Calculating demand with the EVA-P model

Note: This functionality is only available if you have activated the EVA-P add-on ( Enabling or disabling add-ons ).

The following step-by-step instruction illustrates the typical work flow for demand calculation with the help of the EVA-P model (Fundamentals: EVA (passenger demand model)).

1.  Construct the network model (transport supply) (Editing the network).

2.  Create zones (Creating a zone).

3.  Connect the zones to nodes in the network (Creating a connector).

4.  Create a demand model, activities, activity pairs, person groups, structural properties and demand strata and define their properties (Managing demand objects).

5.  Define constraints (Defining constraints).

6.  Enter zone attributes: population figures by person group (Editing the number of persons in a person group), the values of the structural properties (Editing structural property data) and the values of zone-specific procedure parameters (Editing non-constant constraint factors values and Editing values for non-constant rates and factors), if required.

7.  Define the exchangeable modes (Properties and options of modes).

8.  Create a procedure sequence consisting of the steps EVA trip generation, EVA weighting and EVA distribution/mode choice (Setting up and starting the procedure sequence).

9.  For each procedure, set the parameters.

10.  To the procedure sequence, add procedures for skim matrix calculation (Calculating PrT skims and Calculating PuT skims) and, if required, for assignment and iterative repetition of the procedure sequence (Starting the iterative repetition).

11.  Execute the procedure sequence (Executing procedures in the procedure sequence).

12.  With the help of various statistical evaluations you may check the plausibility of the results (Calculating EVA trip generation and Calculating EVA trip distribution and mode choice).