Importing intergreens from Excel

You can import intergreens available in ExcelTM into the signal controller editor.

1.  Create a new intergreen matrix (Creating an intergreen matrix).

2.  Select the data of your choice and press Ctrl + C to copy it to your ExcelTM file.


Notes: The data in the ExcelTM file need to match the format of the intergreen matrix so that the import succeeds. You cannot enter values in the grayed out cells of the diagonal.

You can also enter sections of the ExcelTM file. However, the copied section in ExcelTM needs to have the same size as the marked section in the signal controller editor.

3.  In the signal controller editor, click the selection field of the intergreen table.

The entire table is marked.

4.  Press Ctrl + V to paste your data from ExcelTM into the table.

The data is pasted into the table.