Opening a file

1.  Click the black triangle of the Open version  button.

2.  Select the desired file type.

File type

File extension


Project directories


Default path settings by file type (Opening a project directories file)



Network and various settings and parameters (Opening a version file)



Network data (Opening and saving a network file and adding comments)

Demand data


Demand data (Reading demand data from file)



Filter settings for all network objects (Saving, reading and copying filters)

Procedure parameters

*.par, *.xml

List of selected procedures and the particular settings (Reading procedure parameter settings from file)

Graphic parameters

*.gpa, *.gpax

Settings for graphical network display (Reading graphic parameters of the Network editor window)



Attribute data by network object type (Reading attribute data into lists)

Active network objects


Spatial selection settings for all network objects ("active" or "passive") (Reading a spatial selection of network objects)



Texts to be displayed in legend or background (Opening texts)

Legend parameters


Legend parameters (Opening and saving legend parameters)

Network merge parameters


Settings for reading a merged network (Merging networks)

Environmental parameters


Environmental calculation parameters (Setting environmental impact parameters)

User preferences


Load settings in the Edit > User Preferences menu (Saving, opening and restoring user preferences)

Script menu file


Entries in the Script menu (Editing the script menu)

Scenario management project

*.vpdb, *.vpdbx

Project of scenario management (Scenario management)

Vistro Scenario management project

*.vistropdb, *vistropdbx

Project of the Vistro Scenario management

The Open <file type> window opens.

3.  Select the desired path and file name.

Note: You can edit the path displayed here by default (Editing the storage location of files).

4.  Click the Open button.

In case of unsaved changes to the current network when opening a network or version file, a security prompt appears.

Note: Depending on the selected file type, further windows might open for further settings required. For more information, please refer to the particular manual sections.

5.  If applicable, confirm this query with Yes.

The file is opened.

Note: Possible effects depend on the selected file type and on your settings.

  • Version file: The file which has been open is closed and the version file will be opened. The name of the version file is shown in the title bar (Opening a version file).
  • Network file: You can open a network file to replace current data or read network data additionally to this file. In the first case, the current file is closed and the network file will be opened on screen. In the latter case, network data is added to the file currently open (Opening and saving a network file and adding comments).
  • Network merge parameters: The file that was open before is closed. A combination built from two version files will be opened. The names of the two version files are displayed in the title bar (Displaying flow bundles).
  • To all other file types applies: Data read from file is added to the currently open file.

Tip: You can also open a file by clicking the selected file in the list of recently opened files on the File menu. Alternatively, drag a file from the Windows Explorer to the program interface.