Editing user preferences
In the User Preferences window (Edit menu > User Preferences), you specify basic settings for Visum. These include settings for the user interface, protocols, backup files, standard units for length and speed, etc.
Visum saves the settings and changes made in the User Preferences window (per user and installation) to the Windows system database (registry). If you open several instances of Visum at the same time, Visum will save the settings made in the instance you closed last to the registry. The settings made in other Visum instances will be lost.
When you start Visum, it will load the basic settings saved to the registry.
Note: If you start Visum via the COM interface, your settings made in the User Preferences window will not be saved to the registry when you quit the program. To save your settings in this case, set the switch to SaveOptionsToRegistryOnClose. |