Inserting fare points at network objects

Fare points can be defined for two types of network objects:

  • Input attributes Number of fare points, Number of fare points for boarding, Number of fare points for passing, Number of fare points for alighting for time profile items
  • TSys-specific input attribute Number of fare points_TSys for links

Notes: Additionally, the output attribute Number of link fare points is stored for time profile items. Its value complies with the total value of the link attribute Number of fare points_TSys for the transport system of the time profile's line summed up from the traversed sequence of links between this time profile item and the next one to be served by this time profile.

If the time profile item is a stop point located on a link, only the traversed length portion of the link is regarded. Only the proportional value of the link attribute Number of fare points_TSys enters the value of the output attribute Number of link fare points.

Based on a PuT assignment result, revenue calculation determines the number of traversed fare points by PuT path from the number of traversed link fare points by PuT path leg being summed by transport system and adds the number of fare points of traversed time profile items. The total number of traversed fare points of a passenger's journey is multiplied by the value of the parameter Revenue per fare point.