Executing tour planning in the procedure sequence
Note: This command is only available after you have activated the DRT add-on module ( Enabling or disabling add-ons ). |
- Make sure that a co-ordinate system has been set in your network (Selecting a coordinate system).
- Make sure that a skim matrix with the attributes tCur and Trip distance is available for at least one PrT demand segment (Calculating PrT skim matrices).
1. On the toolbar, click the button Open 'Procedure sequence' window.
The Procedure sequence window opens.
2. To the procedure sequence, at the position of your choice, add the Tour planning procedure of the Assignments category (Setting up and starting the procedure sequence).
3. In the row of the added procedure, click the button in the Reference object(s) column.
The Select demand segment window opens.
4. Select the desired demand segment.
5. Confirm with OK.
6. Select the procedure inserted. Then in the Operations section, click the Edit button.
The Parameters: Tour planning window opens.
7. Make the desired settings (Parameters of the tour planning procedure).
8. Confirm with OK.
9. Execute the procedure (Executing procedures in the procedure sequence).
Tour planning is calculated. Similar to assignments, the start time and end time of the procedure are logged to the log file. You can display and edit the results.