Headway-based assignment: Demand segments tab

Note: This tab is only visible if several PuT demand segments have been selected.



Same impedance parameters for each demand segment

If this option has been checked, the same search parameters are used for all demand segments during path search.


Option not yet provided.

Demand segments for skim matrices

Use this button to open the selection list and select the demand segments, whose demand dscriptions shall be used for the skim matrix calculation.

If multiple demand segments have been selected, the settings for the selected skims refer to each of the selected demand segments comparably. For example, this includes preset meta data as well as data file format or weighting settings.


For all these demand segments, the unitary impedance parameters are used.

The particular DSeg allocation of an output matrix is retained in the storage and in the file name. To the user-defined file name, the DSeg code is added in all cases.