Exporting turn volumes

You can export one, all visible, all marked or all active turn volumes as graphics.

Note: If you want to export only one or several selected turn volumes, you can mark the desired node(s) or main node(s) in the network display, click Export all switched on turn volumes or Export for all active nodes and main nodes on the shortcut menu, and specify settings in the Parameters: Multi-export of turn volumes window. For this purpose, network object Node must be selected in the Network window.

1.  On the Graphics menu, click Turn volumes.

The Graphics tools (Turn volumes) window opens.

2.  Click the All that are switched on or For all active nodes... button as needed under Export turn volumes.

The Parameters: Multi-export of turn volumes window opens.

3.  In the Size tab, make the desired changes.




Here you can specify the proportions for the export. All changes are immediately visible in the preview.


Enter the output width of the entire graphics in the desired unit


Enter the output height of the entire graphics in the desired unit


Enter the width of the margin

Circle size

Enter the circle size in percent


At 100%, the circle covers the entire space, at 0%, no circle is displayed. The display of the node legs covers the remaining share.


Select the export format of the turn volume


Graphic preview of the size and width-to-height ratio of the turn volume circle

4.  On the File names tab, make the desired changes.

Note: On this tab, you can specify which names shall be generated automatically for the turn volume graphics. Prior to the export start, a warning will appear if an existing files could be replaced due to your settings.




Here you can enter the first component of the file name.

Variable name component

The middle part of the file name is variable. It consists either of a consecutive number, a node attribute, or a header for the print frame.

Consecutive number

If this option has been selected, the graphics are numbered consecutively and you can enter a Start number, which shall be used for the next exported graphics. Moreover, you can set the number of Digits for the number. If necessary, zeros are inserted in front of the entered number (e.g. 01, 0022, ....). If the Increase start number for export option has been selected, the start number is increased automatically during the next export and existing data will not be overwritten.

From node attribute

If this option has been selected, you can select a node attribute which will be a component of the graphics name.

Header for the print frame

If this option has been selected, the header specified for the print name will be part of the name.


The settings for the print frame are specified in the junction editor, under Junction Editor > Turn volumes view > Print frame (Specifying settings for the print frame of turn volumes).


Here you can enter the final component of the file name.

5.  In the File tab, make the desired changes.



File type

Here you can select the file type of the graphics to be saved.


Select the desired resolution.


The default dpi value is the specified resolution or a multiple of the user's screen. The option is not provided if you have selected the file type *.svg.


If you have selected the file type *.jpg, you can specify the desired quality for the exported graphics.

6.  Click the Start the export button.

The turn volumes are exported according to the settings.

Notes: You can edit this path in the project directories file via Exported turn volumes.

The junction editor also allows you to simultaneously export individual or multiple turn volumes (Using turn volumes in the Junction editor).