Direct attributes
Each network object is described by means of Visum attributes (direct attributes). The following types are differentiated as follows:
- Input attributes (e.g. stop number) and
- calculated attributes, which are also called output attributes (for example, the number of Passengers boarding at a stop)
Each Visum attribute is described as follows:
- by a name (for example Number)
- by a code (for example No.)
- by an attribute identifier (attribute ID), which is always in English (for example No)
The Table 13 shows an example of some input and output attributes of the link.
Apart from predefined Visum attributes, for each network object type, user-defined attributes (User-defined attributes) can be created and edited. They are also direct attributes of the respective network object type and can be edited, saved, displayed graphically and in tables like Visum attributes.
In addition, for some network object types, it is possible to overwrite defined attribute values with other values for a limited time (Time-varying attributes).