Specifications of lengths and times

In conjunction with lengths, different attributes exist at different network objects. The Image 20 displays these attributes and their correlations. The attribute Length at the link is used as default for the attribute PostLength at the line route items. The user has the possibility of overwriting this default. This can be done manually, for example in the list for line route items (User Manual: Editing the properties of objects in lists). If the default from the link lengths should be used, you can use the function set lengths. There are four possibilities for changing the link length.

Image 20: Lengths in Visum and their coherence

Visum offers different possibilities to assign times to links and time profiles. The Image 21 provides an overview on how you can influence the run time values for links and time profiles. The standard values for the link run time of a PuT transport system (t-PuTSys) is calculated from link length divided by the link-specific speed of the PuT transport system. The link run time of the PuT transport system again provides the standard values for the travel times in the time profile. The departures and arrivals of a vehicle journey always automatically result from the times provided in the respective time profile. The run times for each PuT transport system can be changed as follows.

  • The run times can be assigned from the line run times.
  • The standard value (quotient of link length and link-specific speed of the PuT transport system) can be restored.
  • You can overwrite the times manually in the link list, for example (User Manual: Editing the properties of objects in lists).

The run times of the time profile can be edited as follows.

  • Transferring the standard values from the link run time
  • Transferring the times from a system route
  • Transferring the times from a link attribute
  • Setting the times from a time profile attribute
  • You can overwrite the times manually in the time profile list, for example (User Manual: Editing the properties of objects in lists).

Image 21: Assignment of run times in Visum