PTV Vistro is a complete traffic analysis solution giving you all the tools necessary to complete traffic engineering and transportation planning studies and evaluations.
With PTV Vistro, you can evaluate development impacts, optimize and re-time traffic signals, evaluate intersection levels of service, and generate report-ready tables and figures. This makes it a useful tool for many different types of traffic and transportation studies, saving you time through its all-encompassing functionality.
Specific tasks that you can complete using Vistro include:
- Calculate Intersection Level of Service for signals, two-way stops, all-way stops, and roundabouts using industry standard methodologies, including HCM 6th Edition, HCM 2010, HCM 2000, Circular 212, Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU), Canadian Capacity Guide (CCG) and Kimber methods.
- Optimize Signal Timing for individual intersections, routes, and networks using robust optimization techniques within user-defined timing parameters
- Evaluate the impacts of New Developments using the integrated Trip Generation, Trip Distribution, and Trip Assignment functionality to efficiently track trips through your network and analyze the impacts of the additional traffic
- Test Mitigation Options for intersections with poor measures of effectiveness (MOEs) and compare the various options to each other and the base network
- Manage Multiple Scenarios in one project Vistro file to maximize the efficiency of completing multiple time periods, horizon years, and alternatives
- Visualize Results on your network or as graphical output for various volume levels, volume balancing results, MOEs, LOS, and optimization
- Obtain Standardized Report-Ready Tables and Figures in one easy step to insert directly into any report to meet agency requirements
- Export to Microsimulation to analyze queues, spillbacks, and finalize signal timing, as well quick start a Vissim model via export to Vissim for microsimulation.
- Evaluate Need for a New Traffic Signal through the built-in MUTCD Signal Warrants Analysis