Transit Priority Definition

Transit SGs

There are 8 Transit SGs available. The signal group numbers for transit priority are hard coded as SG 301-308. The signal groups are not necessary for transit priority to be used, but allow additional flexibility if you wish to have a separate signal head for the transit signal priority movement.

The Transit SGs will not be available within Vissim unless you select Use as VISSIM SG.

Use as Vissim SG

If this option is selected, the corresponding signal group will be passed to Vissim and therefore available to be referenced to with a signal head.

Parent SGs

These are the signal groups that must be timing for the transit priority to time. All signal groups flagged for this parameter must be timing before the transit priority can time. This is unlike overlaps that can time when any parent signal group times. Signal groups that conflict with parent signal groups will not begin timing until the transit priority has completed timing its clearance intervals.

Min Green

This parameter defines the minimum green time that a Transit SG will serve before changing to amber. In the absence of any extension, the Transit SG will serve this minimum green time before it is eligible to te minate. The controller will enforce a minimum green time of 1.0 seconds if the value of this parameter is less than 1.0 seconds. The minimum green time can be abbreviated to the Start Green time of an active preempt. If any of the Parent SGs are flagged for Zero SG Green Time for an active preempt, the minimum green time will be aborted for the Transit SG. Values permitted are zero to 10000.0 seconds.


The time a Transit SG will time an amber indication before advancing to red. This time cannot be abbreviated by any operation. Values permitted are zero to 10000 seconds.

Red Clearance

The time a Transit SG will time a red indication before any signal groups that conflict with its Parent SGs will be allowed to begin timing. Values permitted are zero to 10000 seconds.


Defines the time that a Transit SG will extend its green interval following the dropped detection (either loss of presence on a Presence detector or Check Out on a Check In/Check Out detector). During this extension, the Transit SG will remain green unless Parent SGs are terminating before the extension expires. Values permitted are 0 to 10000 seconds.


By default, transit priority requests with lower estimated travel times are served ahead of transit priority requests with higher estimated travel times. For higher priority transit movements, the priority should be defined to a higher value than that of lower priority transit movements. Transit movements with higher priority values (regardless of estimated travel time) will be served ahead of those with lower priority values. Values permitted are 0 to 10000.0.

Coordination Priority

Coordination Transit SGs

Priority Mode

Defines the priority mode of the Transit SG. This parameter is only observed when the controller is operating in the Coordinated Mode.

The modes are:

  • None: The Transit SG will not adjust any controller operation in order to achieve priority service
  • Early/Extend: The Transit SG may adjust signal group timing and sequencing based on the parameters defined in this section in order to achieve priority service. Signal group split adjustments can be made to allow for either an early return to or extension of the priority Parent SGs. The SG PriorityMinGreen time is not abbreviated by Early/Extend.
  • Extend Only: The Transit SG may adjust signal group timing and sequencing based on the parameters defined in this section in order to achieve priority service. Signal group split adjustments will only be made to allow for an extension of the priority Parent SGs.
Extend Limit

Extend Limit is only observed when the controller is operating in the Coordinated Mode. When using a Coordinated Priority Mode other than None, this is the maximum time that a Transit SG will be allowed to extend its Parent SGs beyond their normal coordinated force-off times before the priority extension will be aborted. Values permitted are 0 to 10000 seconds.


Coordination Vehicle SGs

Priority Min Green

When a signal group that conflicts with a priority signal group is timing, the controller will abbreviate it in order to serve the Priority SGs faster. Normally, the controller will be allowed to shorten the conflicting signal group down to its Min Green time before terminating the signal group. Programming a non-zero value for this parameter will guarantee the longer of the signal group Min Green or Priority Minimum Green time before it will be terminated to serve a priority signal group. Values permitted are 0 to 10000 seconds.

Recovery Min Green

When computing the maximum duration for a priority extension, the controller will take into account the minimum timing for each signal group in the recovery cycle (the cycle following the priority extension). The controller can only extend the Priority SGs to the point where it can still serve the greater of the Min Green time or recovery minimum green time to all subsequent signal groups by the end of the next cycle.

Priority Progression

Priority Progression modifies how coordinated signal group splits are shortened during a priority request. Any coordinated signal group flagged for this parameter will guarantee a minimum green band from the computed start of signal group green. Without this parameter, coordinated signal groups can be terminated at the computed start of green provided they have been green for the priority minimum green. Flagging coordinated signal groups with this parameter improves vehicular progression, but limits how much the current cycle can be abbreviated in order to serve an early priority request in the next cycle.

Free-Running Priority

Free-Running Transit SGs

Priority Mode

Defines the priority mode of the Transit SG. This parameter is only observed when the controller is operating in the Free-Running Mode.

The modes are:

  • None: The Transit SG will not adjust any controller operation in order to achieve priority service.
  • Early/Extend: The Transit SG may adjust signal group timing and sequencing based on the parameters defined in this section in order to achieve priority service. Signal group maximum times may be adjusted to allow for either an early return to or extension of the priority Parent SGs.
  • Extend Only: The Transit SG may adjust signal group timing and sequencing based on the parameters defined in this section in order to achieve priority service. Signal group maximum times may be adjusted to allow for an extension of the priority Parent SGs.

Extend Limit

Extend Limit is only observed when the controller is operating in the Free-Running Mode. When using a Free Priority Mode other than None, this is the maximum time that a Transit SG will be allowed to extend once the associated Transit SG changes green and the arrival timer counts down to zero. Note that the Transit SG may be passively extended if all Parent SGs still have enough time remaining beyond the priority extension limit. Values permitted are 0 to 10000 seconds.


Free-Running Vehicle SGs

Priority Min Green

When a signal group that conflicts with a priority signal group is timing, the controller will abbreviate it in order to serve the priority signal group faster. Normally, the controller will be allowed to shorten the conflicting signal group down to its Min Green time before terminating the signal group. Programming a non-zero value for this parameter will guarantee the longer of the signal group Min Green or Priority Minimum Green time before it will be terminated to serve a priority signal group. Values permitted are 0 to 10000 seconds.

Transit Inputs

Called SGs

Signal groups that receive a vehicle call and extension while the transit detector input is on. It is not necessary to flag the transit Parent SGs since any Transit SG with a call will automatically call its Parent SGs.

Call Transit SGs

Defines the Transit SGs that are called and extended while the transit detector input is on.

Delay Time

The amount of time a detector input must have continuous presence before placing a call to Call Transit SGs and Call signal groups. Values permitted are 0 to 25.5 seconds.

Extend Time

The amount of time that the transit detector will continue to extend Call Transit SGs and Call signal groups after the transit detector input transitions from on to off. Values permitted are 0 to 25.5 seconds.

Travel Time

The estimated time it will take the transit vehicle to arrive at the intersection once it passes this transit detector. This travel time will be used to adjust intersection timing if priority service is enabled for this Transit SG. Values permitted are 0 to 10000 seconds.

Calling Pt. Detector

Defines whether or not the Check-In detector is a Calling Point Detector or not.


Defines the threshold value in minutes for lateness in order to receive priority. Lateness is only used with Calling Point Detectors. The transit vehicle must be later than the defined lateness value in order to receive priority. Values permitted are -600 to 600 minutes.

Checkout Limit

Defines the time that a transit Check In detector will remain on before automatically being checked-out, in case the transit Check Out detector isn’t triggered. Setting this parameter to zero disables the automatic check-out for the transit detector. Once a Check In detector has been triggered, the checkout limit timer will be reset for each additional check-in actuation. Values permitted are zero to 65,535 seconds.

Checkout Mode

Determines the mode of the transit check-out detector:

  • Normal: The Transit SG will be checked-out as soon as the Check Out detector is activated
  • StopBar: When the Check Out detector is activated, a check-in call will be placed to the Transit SG. Once the Check Out detector is deactivated (the transit vehicle departs from the detector zone), the Transit SG will be checked-out.
Detector Type

Determines which type of detector will be defined for the input and which detector number(s) will be shown for the input Presence detector number or Check In/Check Out detector numbers.


Presence detector number to be used within Vissim for the corresponding Transit input. Numbers hard coded as numbers 301-308. Calls using this detector number will be lost when the vehicle leaves the detector.


Detector number to be used within Vissim for the corresponding Transit input. Numbers are predefined as numbers 311-318 but can be edited. Calls using this detector number will place a check in call with the Transit SG. the call remains checked in until the corresponding Check Out detector gets a call. Value range [1 to 32767]


Detector number to be used within Vissim for the corresponding Transit input. Numbers hard coded as numbers 321-328. Calls using this detector number will check out the Transit SG.