Selecting simulation method micro or meso

You need to choose between microscopic and mesoscopic simulation of your Vissim network.

1.  On the Simulation menu, click > Parameters.

The Simulation Parameters window opens.

2.  Select the Meso tab.

3.  Select the desired simulation method:

  • Micro: When you start a simulation, the Vissim network is simulated microscopically. The Sections for microscopic simulation are not relevant for the Micro simulation method. They are only relevant for the Meso simulation method. Sections under Sections for microscopic simulation are displayed as deactivated.
  • Meso: When you start a simulation, the Vissim network is simulated mesoscopically (Using mesoscopic simulation). In this case, Vissim can simulate parts of your network microscopically, in a so-called hybrid simulation. These parts must lie within sections. You must select the sections you want Vissim to simulate microscopically (Selecting sections for hybrid simulation).

Superordinate topic:

Running a simulation