Using parking lot types

You can use the following parking lot types in the dynamic assignment. Parking lot types differ in the behavior of the vehicle when driving in and driving out.

  • Zone connector: Vehicles drive in without delay and are taken out of the simulation in the middle of the parking lot without stopping. The entry capacity is non-limited and corresponds to the capacity of the links to be driven. Use the zone connector in order to model the vehicle origins (origin parking lots) and destinations (destination parking lots) in the network. This is often useful on the edges of the modeled networks. Do not map real parking lots with zone connectors.
  • Abstract parking lot: A vehicle decelerates when it approaches a parking lot and comes to a stop in the middle of the parking lot. It is then parked and is deleted. The next vehicle can drive in. Use abstract parking lots if the network model is detailed enough to model many realistic parking lots together, e.g. in an underground garage or parking garage. Due to the modeling of stoppage processes when driving in, the entry capacity of an abstract parking lot is limited to approximately 700 vehicles per hour and lane.
  • Real parking spaces: For real parking spaces, Vissim by default creates a parking routing decision 50 m before the parking lot. If the graphic parameter Object visibility is selected for vehicle routes of the type Parking lot, the parking routing decision is displayed in the Network editor during the simulation. If the Parking routing decision list is opened during a simulation run, it lists the parking routing decision.

The calculated routes of the dynamic assignment may also go via parking lots of the Real parking spaces type.