Network settings for standard types of elevators and elevator groups

The display of the cabin floor, the cabin ceiling, the shaft, and the door is based on a display type in each case. For each of these display types, you can select a default type.

Each pedestrian in the cabin and each pedestrian alighting from the cabin uses a walking behavior that is based on an area behavior type. You can select a default type for each of these area behavior types.

When you open an *.inpx network file saved in a Vissim version that did not yet include standard types, Vissim will create the standard types automatically.

1.  On the Base Data menu, click > Network Settings.

2.  Select the Standard types tab.

3.  In the Elevators and elevator groups section, in the list boxes, click the entries of your choice.

Element Description
Display type cabin wall

Default display type of cabin walls

Display type cabin floor Default display type of cabin floor
Display type cabin ceiling Default display type of cabin ceiling
Display type shaft Default display type of area between exterior of elevator shaft and cabin
Display type door Default display type for the elevator door
Area behavior type in cabin Default area behavior type of which the pedestrian uses the walking behavior in the cabin
Area behavior type alighting Area behavior type of which the pedestrian uses the walking behavior when alighting from the cabin

The selected display type is used as a default for the display of the respective part of the elevator when defining the elevator and it is displayed in the list of elevator attributes (Elevator attributes).

The selected area behavior type is used when defining an elevator group and displayed in the list of the elevator group attributes (Attributes of elevator groups).

Superordinate topic:

Selecting network settings