Default curves for maximum acceleration and deceleration

The functions for maximum acceleration, provided in Vissim for passenger cars, correspond approximately to those established in the traffic flow model Wiedemann 74 (Driving states in the traffic flow model according to Wiedemann).

  • For cars, these measurements which were performed in Germany before 1974 have been slightly adapted for shorter time steps with jerk limitation and for the user-definable range (minimum-maximum).

Jerk is the derivative of acceleration; that is, the change of acceleration with respect to time. With more than two time steps per second, it is limited by the share that corresponds with twice the duration of time step.

Example: With ten time steps per second (time step = 0.1 s), the limit is 20% (0.2) of the intended change in acceleration.

The data for the acceleration from a standstill have been validated against the test vehicle data gathered in the 2004 European research project RoTraNoMo.

  • For HGV, the acceleration/deceleration curves have been adapted to data from the European research project CHAUFFEUR 2 in 1999.
  • For trams and buses, the acceleration/deceleration curves have been set according to information from the Karlsruhe Transport Authority (VBK), 1995.

Note: All functions should be adapted to local conditions. This applies especially to your vehicle fleet data, if these are substantially different from Western European data.