Opening lists

You can open lists using the following elements of the user interface:

If a list of the same type is open, this list will be shown in the foreground and no other list will be opened.

If no list of the network object type has been opened, the list will be opened and displayed in the foreground of the program interface area where a list was last activated.

Element Description

Lists menu

If no list of the same type has been opened yet, a list showing all objects of the selected entry will be displayed.

Menu: Base Data, Traffic, Signal Control, Evaluation, Presentation

Opens a list with all objects of the selected entry

Shortcut menu in the network object sidebar > Show List

Opens a list with the network objects, attributes and attribute values to the selected network object type

Shortcut menu of the Level toolbar > Show List

Opens the Levels list with the defined levels, attributes and attribute values

Shortcut menu of the Background image toolbar > Show List

Opens the Backgrounds list with the defined backgrounds, attributes and attribute values

Shortcut menu in Network editor > Show In List

  • If no network object is selected in the Network Editor: a list of network objects, attributes and attribute values of the network object type opens, which is selected in the network object sidebar.
  • If one or more network objects of a network object type is selected in the Network Editor: A list with the network objects, attributes and attribute values to the selected network object type opens. The selected network objects are marked in the list.

Shortcut menu of column header in list

Only for attributes that refer to other network objects with a list: The column shortcut menu includes Show <network object name>.

Example: Vehicles in network list > Vehicle type column header > Show vehicle types.

Tabs with list names

If you open additional lists, these are shown as tabs at the bottom of the first list.

Network editor

For network object types, whose attributes you can only edit in the network objects list of the respective object type: Double-click the network object to open the list.

If you open a list with network objects, you activated synchronization in this list, and in the Network editor, you selected the network objects of the network object type of the list, these network objects are highlighted in the list.


  • You can open multiple lists and arrange them on the user interface or on multiple screens.
  • You can select which attributes are displayed in the list.