Moving the view

1.  On the Network editor toolbar, click the  Shift mode button.

The Shift mode button is activated: . The mouse pointer becomes a symbol. This designates the Pan mode.

2.   Click any position in the network and keep the left mouse button pressed.

3.   Drag the view to the desired position and release the left mouse button.

The view is shifted.

4.   In the Network Editor, on the toolbar, click the  Shift mode button to deactivate the 'Pan' mode.

The Shift mode button is deactivated: . The mouse pointer is reset to the standard depiction.

Note: Only the display is shifted, the network itself is not. Coordinates remain unchanged.


Tips: Alternatively, you have these possibilities to shift the view:

  • Hold down the middle mouse button or the scroll wheel and move the view.
  • Press an arrow key on your keyboard. The section moves to a greater extent if you simultaneously hold down the Shift key.
  • You can also move the view in the Smart Map (Moving the Network Editor view).