Selecting and executing a script file
In Vissim you can select and execute external script files. The following scripting languages are supported:
- Visual Basic *.vbs
- Javascript *.js
- Python *.py, *.pys (Using Python as the script language)
Not supported:
- The wrapper wxPython
- The Python distribution anaconda
Tip: You may also manage scripts, which are executed during a simulation at a chosen time, to the network file (Using event based script files). |
The global variable Vissim can be used without initialization in the script and always refers to the running Vissim, from which the script has been started. Additionally, you can use the variable CurrentScript to create a reference to the current script, e.g. in order to access user-defined attributes there.
You need not create a Vissim object, using CreateObject, as Vissim has already been started. If additional instances of Vissim are required in the script, you can use CreateObject.
Scripts may include any command of the scripting language, e.g. loop, branch, entry, and output commands.
Scripts must not contain any global declarations.
Executing script files
1. On the Actions menu, click > Run Script File.
A window opens.
2. Select the directory to which the script file has been saved.
3. Select the desired script file.
4. Click the Open button.
The script file is executed in Vissim.
Examples of script files
The following directory contains a Vissim network that uses script files: ..\Examples Training\COM\Drop-off Zone. This example is available for Visual Basic Script (VBS) and Python.
The following scripts are used to halve the volume of the first time interval for each input.
Example 1 of a *.vbs script file
For each flow in all_flows
For i = 1 To all_flows.Count
flow.AttValue("Volume(1)") = 0.5 * flow.AttValue("Volume(1)")
Example 2 of a *.vbs script file
all_flows = Vissim.Net.VehicleInputs.GetAll
For i = 0 To UBound (all_flows)
all_flows(i).AttValue("Volume(1)") = 0.5 * all_flows(i).AttValue("Volume(1)")
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