Quick start guide Scenario management

The Quick start guide describes a simple use case, illustrating the most important steps of how to place a Vissim network under scenario management: A project with a base network and a scenario is created. From this scenario, another scenario is derived. The scenario is edited and saved. You can then start a simulation run for both scenarios to compare their simulation results.

1.  Save the *.inpx network file that contains the original network and shall serve as the base file.

2.  Create a project (Placing a network under scenario management).

Vissim generates the project and automatically creates the base network and scenario 1 based on the *.inpx network file currently open and saved.

3.  Open scenario 1, edit the network and then save scenario 1 (Opening and editing scenarios in the network editor).

Vissim automatically creates one or several modifications for scenario 1 based on the changes made.

4.  Duplicate scenario 1 (Project explorer toolbar).

5.  In the network editor, open the duplicate, edit the network and then save the duplicate (Opening and editing scenarios in the network editor).

6.  Configure the evaluations you want to perform for the simulation runs of scenario 1 and the duplicate (Performing evaluations).

7.  Start a simulation run for scenario 1 (Running a simulation).

8.  Start a simulation run for the duplicate.

9.  Compare the results of the two simulation runs.

10.  If desired, compare the scenarios (Comparing scenarios of the scenario management).

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Scenario management