Creating model transfer files

1.  Open the network file you want to use as base file to create the model transfer file.

2.  On the File menu, click > Compare and Transfer Networks > Create Model Transfer File.

The Create Model Transfer File window opens.

3.  Make the desired changes:

Element Description
Define network comparison


  • Use currently loaded network:  Select this option to use the network currently opened as the basis for the model transfer file.
  • Read from file: Click the  button to choose another file as the basis for the model transfer file you want to create.


  • Use currently loaded network:  Select this option if the currently opened network is the desired target you want to create with the help of the model transfer file to be created. Both files must use the same coordinate system.
  • Read from file: Click the  button to select the file of your choice. The model transfer file created is used to transfer the base network into the selected network.

Swap base and target: The entries made and options selected in the Base and in the Target are swapped

Result of the comparison

Write model transfer file to: Click the  button, enter the filename of the model transfer file (*.trax), select the directory of your choice and save the model transfer file to it (*.trax).

4.  Click the Create Model Transfer File button.