Results of signal controller detector evaluation

During a simulation or during a test run, the values of all data specified in the configuration in the last 100 simulation seconds are shown in the SC Detector Record window.

The type of values which can be recorded depends on the control procedures of each signal controller. You can refer to the documentation of the control program in this case.

If in the Direct Output tab, you selected SC Detector Record and the simulation or test run have been completed, the *.ldp file contains the following data: The signal controller detector record is constructed as a table with one row per simulation second and one column per selected type of values. The record can show up to 1,000 values and up to 3,000 characters per row.



Row 1 Name of evaluation with time of evaluation
Row 2 Comment on simulation
Row 3 Signal controller number, control files, program number, simulation run or test
Other rows Evaluation data. The columns correspond to the sequence of values in the Configuration window.


Note: The values are saved after the run of the control logic.

If simulations run several times, the respective Random Seed is attached as an index of the simulation run to the name of the evaluation file *.ldp.

For VS-PLUS, you may also output the following value types in the signal controller detector record (SG = signal group; VS = Verkehrsstrom - German for traffic volume):

Value type


Active flag of traffic volume

Active flag of traffic volume, VS-Plus specific

GreenMax of traffic volume

GreenMax of traffic volume, VS-Plus specific

Main indicator PE

Next traffic volume of main sequence of the relevant priority element (1-6) to be processed

Control time of traffic volume

Control time of traffic volume, VS-Plus specific

Empty column

Distance from a space

Priority class of traffic volume

By default: 1: PrT, 2: PT, 3: Emergency vehicles

Priority level of traffic volume

Priority level of traffic volume:

  • 1: normal
  • 2: maximum reasonable waiting time exceeded

Priority value of traffic volume

Priority level of traffic volume, VS-Plus specific

Signal state of SG

  • . Red
  • = Red/Amber
  • | Green
  • / Amber


Simulation second between 1 and 999,999,999


vertical line between two columns

Cycle second

Tx second between 1 and cycle time

DET waiting time

Counter which adds up the time from the first passing of a detector to the next release

Waiting time of traffic volume

Time in seconds since detection of the traffic volume (such as DET waiting time - deceleration time)

State of DET

  • +: within a simulation second, a vehicle has either completely passed the detector or a vehicle has left the detector and another has reached it (rising and falling edge in one time step)
  • |: at the end of the time step there is a vehicle on the detector and no vehicle has left the detector within this time step.
  • .: The detector is not occupied during the time step.

State of calling point

State of a calling point

State of traffic volume

Coded state of the traffic volume, for example:

  • 1: detected
  • 9: Green command given
  • 10: Switched to green
  • 21: Red command given
Example of signal controller detector record file *.ldp
Signal control detector record   [6/6/2019 14:56:45]
Luxembourg, SC 3-10
SC 5;  program file: vap216.dll;  import files: l05_11hp.VAP, l05.pua;  program no. 1;  simulations run