Importing text file in a database after the simulation

You can use the direct output to save data to a text file during the simulation. You can import this text file in a database after the simulation.

Saving data in a database during the simulation can affect the speed of the simulation.

Example: Importing a *.fzp file into MS Access 2007

1.  Configure the direct output for the vehicle record and select Write to file.

2.  Open the file *.fzp using a text editor.

3.  In the file, delete all data above the data block.

4.  Save the file with the extension *.txt.

5.  In Access, on the File menu, click > New.

6.  Create an empty database.

7.  Import the text file using the menu File > Import External Data.

Note: Make sure that you have selected Text files in the Import file type window.

8.  Click on Import.

The Text import Wizard opens.

9.  Select the option With Separators.

10.  Click on Next.

11.  Select the option Semicolon.

12.   Select the option First row contains field names.

13.  Click on Next.

14.  Select the option In a new table.

15.  Click on Next.

16.  From the list box for each column, select the correct data type double, integer or text.

17.  Click on Next.

18.  Select the option No primary key.

19.  Click on Next.

20.  Click on Finish.

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