Displaying attributes during an animation run
While running an animation, you can show time-based aggregated attributes.
1. Before you run the animation, make sure the following requirements are met:
2. Under Evaluation Configuration, specify that you want to collect result attributes for links and/or areas (Configuring evaluations of the result attributes for lists).
3. For vehicles on links, click in the network object sidebar next to Links on Edit graphic parameters; for pedestrians in areas, click in the network object sidebar next to Areas on
Edit graphic parameters.
4. Select the option Use color scheme.
The Edit color scheme for <network object type> window opens.
If the window does not open because the option has been deactivated since program start, click the icon at the end of the row to open the window.
5. For vehicles, select the classification of your choice Lanes or Segments; for pedestrians, select the classification of your choice Areas or Pedestrian Grid Cell Data.
6. Click the Attribute button .
7. Select the desired result attribute.
8. Click the Filter button.
The Attribute filter window opens.
9. If desired, under Simulation Runs, select the option of your choice.
10. Under Time Intervals, select Show only selected time intervals.
11. Then select Last completed.
12. If under Evaluation Configuration you selected the desired vehicle classes, under Vehicle Classes you can now select the desired vehicle class.
13. If under Evaluation Configuration you selected Pedestrian Classes, under Pedestrian Classes you can now select the desired pedestrian class.
14. Confirm with OK.
15. Click the button.
16. In the list, click the color scheme of your choice.
17. Confirm with OK.
18. Start the animation (Running the animation).
The time interval results produced during the selected simulation run are used for the color scheme of the animation run.