Showing pedestrians in the network in a list
During a simulation run, you can show pedestrian data for each pedestrian in the network in the Pedestrians In Network list.
1. Start the simulation (Running a simulation).
2. On the Lists menu, click > Results > Pedestrians in Network.
The Pedestrians In Network list opens.
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Note: In lists, you can use the |
The list contains, amongst others, the following attributes:
Element | Description |
No |
Pedestrian number |
PedType |
Pedestrian type: Pedestrian type assigned to pedestrian |
Length |
Length between front and back of pedestrian from 2D/3D model distribution |
Width |
Pedestrian width in 2D/3D model distribution |
Height | Pedestrian size in 2D/3D model distribution |
Level |
Level on which the pedestrian moves |
ConstrElNo |
Construction element number of area, ramp or stairway on which the pedestrian moves |
ConstrElType |
Area, ramp or stairway on which the pedestrian moves |
CoordCenter | Center coordinates: Coordinates of the center between the front and back of the pedestrian. |
DesSpeed |
Desired speed of pedestrian. Is composed multiplicatively of the following values:
Speed |
Pedestrian's current velocity |
StaRoutDecNo |
Static routing decision number |
StaRoutNo |
Static route number |
PTState |
Public transport state: Is the pedestrian waiting, is he alighting from the PT vehicle or walking towards it:
MotionState |
Motion state: The current motion state of a pedestrian shows for how long the pedestrian does a certain activity:
IsInQueue |
Is in queue: The pedestrian waits in the queue and can move up in it. The option is not selected:
The network object may have additional attributes, for example, the following. These can also be shown in the Attributes list:
Element | Description |
Dwell time |
Remaining waiting time [s] at the head of a queue or on an area with waiting time distribution. The dwell time is empty in all other cases, including waiting on a PT waiting area or for an elevator. As long as the value is greater than NULL, it can be changed by a COM script or attribute change. If the value is set to NULL, the pedestrian can start walking in the next time step. |
OrientationVector |
Orientation vector: coordinates (x), (y) of the orientation vector of the current pedestrian orientation |
OrientationAngle |
Orientation angle: angle (degrees) of the orientation vector of the current pedestrian orientation |
ExperDens |
Experienced density: pedestrian density currently experienced within the perception radius of a pedestrian: Based on the number of pedestrians within the personal environment radius around a pedestrian. In the network settings, you can specify the radius (Selecting network settings for pedestrian behavior). |
ExperVelVar |
Experienced velocity variance: Currently experienced velocity variance: Squared differences of vectorial speeds of all pedestrians within the environment radiuses of their individual speed (Selecting network settings for pedestrian behavior) |
CoordRear |
Coordinates rear: coordinates (x), (y), (z) of the rear edge of the pedestrian at the end of the time step |
CoordFront |
Coordinates front: coordinates (x), (y), (z) of the front edge of the pedestrian at the end of the time step |
CoordRearX, CoordRearY, CoordRearZ |
The coordinates (x), (y) or (z) of the rear edge of the pedestrian at the end of the time step |
CoordFrontX, CoordFrontY, CoordFrontZ |
The coordinates (x), (y) or (z) of the front edge of the pedestrian at the end of the time step |
DistPTWaitPosDistr |
Distance to PT waiting position distribution (individual): Individual distance to PT waiting position distribution used to select a waiting position when entering an area. For this area’s attribute Usage, the option Waiting area must be selected. |
PosInQueue |
Position in queue: Number of the position of the pedestrian in the queue. Front pedestrian = 1, second pedestrian = 2, etc. |
FEDAsphyx |
Fractional effective dose (asphyxia): Fraction of an incapacitating dose of asphyxiant gases, summed up to the current simulation time step |
FEDConvec |
Fractional effective dose (convective heat): Fraction of an incapacitating dose due to convective heat, summed up to the current simulation time step |
Fractional irritant concentration: Fraction of a concentration of irritant gases causing incapacitation during the current simulation time step |
NearNeighb |
Nearest neighbor: The pedestrian whose center has the shortest minimum distance to the center of this pedestrian |
NearNeighbDist |
Nearest neighbor - distance: shortest minimum distance to the center of the nearest neighbor |
DesSpeedFactInd |
Desired speed factor (individual): Factor for changing the desired speed of the pedestrian during the simulation run. Default value 100 %, value range 10 % to 300 %. |
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