The service point selection method
If the decision area is a queue area with dwell time distribution, the following applies:
- The first pedestrian waits until his waiting time at the decision area has expired. In this case, a wait time distribution must be defined via the Time distribution attribute (Attributes of areas).
- The first pedestrian waiting continues his way. If there are service points where queues may occur, he will continue his way toward the "best" queue, which is the shortest one. At least at one of the service points should have a queue with no more than n waiting pedestrians. You define this number in the attribute Proceed to service point if no more than __ people are queuing there.. If all the queues are full, the pedestrian waits until queue space at one of the service points opens up.
- If people are queuing on or after a while in front of a decision area, pedestrians, whose pedestrian class is not affected by the partial routing, are also affected by the queuing, if an intermediate point of their pedestrian route is part of the decision area. These pedestrians also wait in the same queue until they have reached the decision area, wait the wait time defined in the time distribution, however, do not go to a service point but continue with their original route.
If the decision area is a queue area without dwell time distribution, the following applies:
If people are queuing on or after a while in front of a decision area, pedestrians, pedestrians only queue until they have reached the decision area. They then continue with their original route.
If the decision area is not a queue area, but a time distribution is defined, the following applies:
- A pedestrian of an affected pedestrian class waits until his dwell time has expired and then continues his way.
Calculation method for finding the best queue
- Of all waiting areas the one is selected with no more than n pedestrians waiting in its queue.
- If there is more than one of these queues, the queue with the fewest pedestrians is selected. It is the shortest queue.
- If there is more than one shortest queue, the one with the shortest direct distance to the end of the routing decision that is closest to the pedestrian's coordinates is selected.
Pedestrians on their way to the service point or ready to join the queue are treated as if they already were in the queue.
Note: For each partial route, only the first waiting area after the routing decision is taken into account. Additional waiting areas on the course of the partial route are ignored. |
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Defining the Dynamic Potential for a static pedestrian route