Structure of the trip chain file *.fkt

Each row of the trip chain file contains a trip chain from a series of trips. You have to separate columns with a semicolon.

The first row of a trip chain file must contain the number of the format version used, for example 1.1.

Each subsequent row contains trip chains:

  • Column 1: Vehicle number
  • Column 2: Vehicle type
  • Column 3: Origin zone number
  • In the data format version 1.1 every trip is described by four columns, starting from column 4.
  • In the data format version 2.1 every trip is described by five columns, starting from column 4. Between destination zone number in column 5 and activity number in column 7 it contains the destination global coordinates:
  • If you do not want to use the center of the destination zone for the determination of the value of "distance from desired zone”, enter the global coordinates of the destination in parentheses.
  • If you want to use the coordinates of the center, enter an empty pair of brackets [] in data format version 2.1.
The format description in BNF (Backus Naur Form)

Specific format version 2.1 entries are highlighted in bold.

<trip chain file> ::= <version> {<trip chain>}

<version> ::= <real> <nl>

<trip chain> ::= <vehicle> <vehicle type> <origin> {<trip>} <nl>

<trip> ::= <departure> <destination><coordinates><activity> <minimum dwell time>

<vehicle> ::= <cardinal> <semicolon>

<vehicle type> ::= <cardinal> <semicolon>

<origin> ::= <cardinal> <semicolon>

<departure> ::= <cardinal> <semicolon>

<destination> ::= <cardinal> <semicolon>

<coordinates> = <left parenthesis> <x coordinate> <comma><y coordinate> <right parenthesis> <semicolon>

| <opening square bracket> <closing square bracket> <semicolon>

<x-coordinate> = <real>

<y-coordinate> = <real>

<comma> = ","

<left parenthesis> = "("

<right parenthesis> = ")"

<opening square bracket> = "["

<closing square bracket> = "]"

<activity> ::= <cardinal> <semicolon>

<minimum dwell time> ::= <cardinal> <semicolon>

<nl> ::= new line

<semicolon> ::= semicolon (;)

<cardinal> ::= positive integer (example: 23)

<real> ::= floating-point number (example: 3.14)

Example of a *.fkt file in version 1.1 format

Example of trip chain file with 12 trip chains:

 1;1;10;  1; 20; 101; 117; 211; 30; 101; 169; 732; 20; 101; 171;
 2;1;10;  4; 20; 101; 255; 334; 30; 101; 147; 815; 20; 101; 124;
 3;1;10;  8; 20; 101; 202; 395; 30; 101; 178; 832; 20; 101; 175;
 4;1;10; 12; 20; 101; 216; 703; 30; 101; 162; 533; 20; 101; 208;
 5;1;10; 16; 20; 101; 164; 601; 30; 101; 251;1134; 20; 101; 159;
 6;1;10; 20; 20; 101; 295; 529; 30; 101; 133; 846; 20; 101; 114;
 7;1;10; 25; 20; 101; 248; 262; 30; 101; 256; 987; 20; 101; 117;
 8;1;10; 29; 20; 101; 169; 322; 30; 101; 164; 463; 20; 101; 141;
 9;1;10; 31; 20; 101; 138; 543; 30; 101; 212; 405; 20; 101; 252;
10;1;10; 35; 20; 101; 296; 205; 30; 101; 160; 802; 20; 101; 221;
11;1;10; 40; 20; 101; 270; 622; 30; 101; 244; 604; 20; 101; 175;
12;1;10; 44; 20; 101; 189; 151; 30; 101; 185; 419; 20; 101; 227;
Example of a *.fkt file in version 2.1 format

Example of trip chain file with 11 trip chains. The global coordinates for the destination are specified for zone 20 only:

 1; 1; 10;  1; 20; (113.0,157.0); 101; 117; 211; 30; []; 101; 169; 732; 20; (105.0,159.0); 101; 171;
 2; 1; 10;  4; 20; (102.0,160.0); 101; 255; 334; 30; []; 101; 147; 815; 20; (128.0,153.0); 101; 124;
 3; 1; 10;  8; 20; (126.0,163.0); 101; 202; 395; 30; []; 101; 178; 832; 20; (117.0,182.0); 101; 175;
 4; 1; 10; 12; 20; (128.0,153.0); 101; 216; 703; 30; []; 101; 162; 533; 20; (103.0,155.0); 101; 208;
 5; 1; 10; 16; 20; (114.0,174.0); 101; 164; 601; 30; []; 101; 251;1134; 20; (113.0,157.0); 101; 159;
 6; 1; 10; 20; 20; (105.0,159.0); 101; 295; 529; 30; []; 101; 133; 846; 20; (120.0,172.0); 101; 114;
 7; 1; 10; 25; 20; (117.0,182.0); 101; 248; 262; 30; []; 101; 256; 987; 20; (102.0,160.0); 101; 117;
 8; 1; 10; 29; 20; (119.0,157.0); 101; 169; 322; 30; []; 101; 164; 463; 20; (121.0,160.0); 101; 141;
 9; 1; 10; 31; 20; (121.0,160.0); 101; 138; 543; 30; []; 101; 212; 405; 20; (119.0,157.0); 101; 252;
10; 1; 10; 35; 20; (120.0,172.0); 101; 296; 205; 30; []; 101; 160; 802; 20; (126.0,163.0); 101; 221;
11; 1; 10; 40; 20; (103.0,155.0); 101; 270; 622; 30; []; 101; 244; 604; 20; (114.0,174.0); 101; 175;