Modeling priority rules

You can model the priority rules for conflicting traffic flows which are not controlled by signals by means of priority rules.

Note: Model the standard priority rules for conflicting traffic flows which are not controlled by signals by means of conflict areas (Using conflict areas). Only use priority rules, if conflict areas do not produce the desired results and if you have sufficient experience in modeling with priority rules.

Priority rules for conflicting traffic flows which are not controlled by signals are required in situations in which vehicles in different links or connectors need to consider each other. You can also use priority rules to model keeping intersections clear.

Add a priority rule to the marker at which a vehicle or vehicles on another link have to wait.

Vehicles on the same link mutually observe each other. This also applies to links with several lanes. Therefore you do not require any priority rules.

During simulation, Vissim automatically adds priority rules to parking lots with real parking spaces.

Tip: You can also use priority rules in Viswalk: