Assigning a live map if reference points are identical

You cannot activate a live map, if the coordinates of its reference point are identical to the coordinates of the network's reference point. The might be due to the following:

  • ANM import of an ANM file that does not yet contain any projection information. The reference points are assigned the coordinates (0.000, 0.000).
  • ANM import of an ANM file with an empty projection. The reference points are assigned the coordinates (0.000, 0.000).
  • You opened an *.inp file of a Vissim version earlier than 6. The origin is set in the center of the network.
  • You opened an *.inpx file of a Vissim version earlier than 6.00-06. The origin is set in the center of the network.

If the coordinates of the reference point of the live map are identical to those of the network's reference point and you try to activate a live map, the following message is displayed:

1.  Confirm with OK.

2.  Assign the reference points of the network and the live map (Mapping Vissim network to background position).

3.  Check the coordinates in the network settings (Showing reference points).

Superordinate topic:

Using live maps from the Internet