Editing 3D traffic signals

You can move and rotate 3D traffic signals in 2D mode in Network Editors.

You can edit 3D traffic signals in 2D mode and 3D mode in the 3D Traffic Signal window.

Editing a 3D traffic signal in 2D Mode

In 2D mode, the mast, signal arm, signal head, sign and light are represented by various symbols (Modeling 3D traffic signals). You can select and move these symbols in the Network Editor.

1.  In the Network Editor, click with your mouse on the symbol of the component, hold down the mouse button and drag the cursor to the desired position.

2.  Release the mouse button.

Editing a 3D traffic signal in the 3D Traffic Signal window

1.  In the Network editor, double-click the desired 3D traffic signal.

The 3D Traffic Signal window opens. The 3D traffic signal and its components are displayed in the Preview window.

2.  In the Preview window, click the component of your choice.

3.  On the toolbar, click the desired function and execute it in the Preview window:

Toolbar button




  • ►  Click the component.

The component is selected.



1.  Next to the selected component, click the blue, green or red arrow and hold the mouse button down.

2.  Move the component in the desired direction:

  • blue arrow: moves the component vertically
  • green arrow: moves the component forward or backward
  • red arrow: moves the component horizontally


1.  Click the blue or red ring next to the selected component.

The ring becomes brighter.

2.  Click the component, hold down the mouse button, and rotate the component in the desired direction:

  • blue ring: rotates the component horizontally
  • red ring: rotates the component vertically


1.  Next to the selected component, click on one of the brown cuboids.

The cuboids are displayed brighter.

2.  Click the component, keep the mouse button held down, and drag the component in the desired direction:

  • upwards: reduces the component
  • downwards: enlarges the component

Reset view

Reset magnification and alignment to default in Preview window


Synchronization: Auto zoom

Display the selected 3D traffic signal centered in the Preview window and select a large enough section to display all the selected components.


Enlarge or reduce view in the Preview window

Page Up

Page Down

Move view upwards in the Preview window

E or F

Move view upwards in Preview window, small step


Move the view downwards in the Preview window

Q or R

Move view to the left in the Preview window


Move view to the right in the Preview window


Reduce view in the Preview window (zoom out)

Rotate S or scroll wheel backwards

Enlarge view in Preview preview window (zoom in)

Rotate F or scroll wheel forwards

Rotate view to the left in Preview window


Rotate view downwards in Preview window


Rotate view to the right in Preview window


Save settings and close 3D Traffic Signal window


The changes are displayed in the 3D Traffic Signal window.

3.  Confirm with OK.