Using user-defined attributes
For most network objects and base data objects, you can define further attributes in addition to the input attributes, output attributes and user-defined attributes (UDA). User-defined attributes (UDA) may be edited and managed in lists in the same way as predefined attributes (Creating user-defined attributes).
You may read in user-defined attributes additively from another Vissim network (Reading a network additionally).
When you open a *.inpx file in which a user-defined attribute is defined whose short or long name corresponds to the name of an attribute in Vissim, Vissim adds a suffix to the name of the user-defined attribute:
- In the event of a short name: ShortName_UDA_<next higher number available>
- In the event of a long name: LongName (UDA <next higher number available>)
- If the short or long name contains a number in the suffix, the other name either receives a suffix with the same number or no suffix.
Data attribute or formula attribute
For a user-defined attribute, select one of the following data source types:
- Data: The user-defined attribute is based on Vissim data. You can create a default value, minimum value and maximum value and specify the number of decimal places. Supported by certain network object types, such as movements. If the selected network object type does not support Data , Formula is automatically selected and you must define the formula.
- Formula: You create the desired formula using operands, operators, and/or functions. Use parentheses to structure them. You can define a Table-Lookup function as part of the formula. The Table-Lookup function allows you to access attributes and attribute values of other objects and use them in the formula. In a formula for relations that reference multiple objects, you can additionally specify a condition in the aggregation function (Aggregation function with condition).
Examples of use
- Continue to process result attributes: You define a user-defined attribute that contains a formula for the LOS calculation model of your choice. This formula for instance uses queue length data, derived from node evaluation and emission factors.
- You define user-defined attributes, for which you obtain values via the COM Interface or DLL interfaces.
- Support data calibration: You define user-defined attributes and fill them with real data. You can show this data in Vissim in lists together with the simulation data. You can then compare the data of your two sources.
- You define user-defined attributes for vehicles or pedestrians of the simulation, add data via the COM Interface and output this data together with the simulation results, e.g. in a vehicle record.
- You define user-defined attributes for vehicles or pedestrians of the simulation that contain a formula. This formula contains the LOS calculation model of your choice.
Superordinate topic:
Information on editing:
Defining link behavior types for links and connectors
Creating user-defined attributes