Showing program elements together

If you open several program elements, you can group them into one area, for example:

  • multiple lists
  • multiple network editors
  • one or multiple lists together with one or multiple network editors
  • the Smart Map together with the Quick View
  • network object sidebar and level toolbar together with the background image toolbar

You cannot show lists and network editors together with the Smart Map, the Quick or a toolbar in one area.

Tabs under each area display the program elements inside:

  • For lists, the name of the network object types or base data type
  • For Network editors, numbers in the order they were opened
  • Smart Map and Quick View
  • Network object sidebar, level toolbar, background image toolbar: Network object types, levels, background images

The name of the visible program element is highlighted in the tab. The name of the active program element is highlighted in the title bar.

You can change the arrangement of program elements (Changing the display of windows)(Anchoring windows)(Arranging or freely positioning program elements in PTV Vissim).