Selecting relations in coupled lists

Many network object types have relations to other network object types, such as to a link or to multiple lanes. To show the objects of such a relation in both sections next to each other, open the attribute list of the desired network object type. Then in the toolbar of the attribute list, in the Relations list, click the network object type whose attributes you want to display in a list on the right.

1.  Open the list of the desired network object type.

If there is a relation, on the list toolbar, the Relations list box is displayed. By default, the entry Single List is shown in the Relations list box.

2.  Select the desired network object type in the Relations list box.

On the right, the coupled list, with the network object type to which the relation refers, is opened. Only those objects are shown to which the objects selected in the left list refer.

By default, you can edit the list (Using lists).