Setting a filter for selection of subattributes displayed

If attributes have subattributes, the <Name Network object type>: Select attributes window might contain many entries for selection on the left, e.g. for each time interval of the simulation runs.

If you want to transfer only certain types of subattributes to the right side, e.g. only for the current simulation run, you can filter the entries on the left by subattributes. On the left, only the filtered subattribute types are displayed. From these, you can choose the ones you want to adopt into the right side. This is particularly useful for the evaluation of result attributes.

1.  In the list, click the Attribute selection button .

The Attribute selection window opens.

On the left, all attributes are shown that you can display in columns in the list (Selecting attributes and subattributes for columns of a list).

On the right, the attributes are shown that are displayed with the current list layout.

2.  Click the No filter active.

The Attribute filter window opens.

3.  Select the desired filter criteria:

Element Description
Simulation Runs

Setting filters for the simulation runs performed:

  • Current run: show only attributes of the current simulation run
  • Average: arithmetic and thus unweighted average of all simulation runs
  • Standard deviation between all simulation runs
  • Minimum of all simulation runs
  • Maximum of all simulation runs
  • Number of each simulation run started
Time Intervals

Set filter for time intervals:

  • Last completed: Shows last time interval completed of the simulation run selected
  • Total: Sum of all time interval values
  • Maximum of all time intervals
  • Minimum of all time intervals
  • Standard deviation between all time intervals
  • Average: arithmetic and thus unweighted average of all time intervals
  • x - y: specific, individual time intervals
Vehicle Classes

Set filter for all vehicle classes or select vehicle classes. Only those vehicle classes are displayed that were selected for the collection of separate results during global configuration of the evaluation (Configuring evaluations of the result attributes for lists).

Pedestrian Classes Set filter for all pedestrian classes or select pedestrian classes. Only those pedestrian classes are displayed that were selected for the collection of separate results during global configuration of the evaluation (Configuring evaluations of the result attributes for lists).

4.  Confirm with OK.

The display and name of the  No active filters button is changed in . Filtered by: <Filter criterion> Point the mouse pointer to the symbol to display the selected filter criteria in a quick info.