Adjusting how the chart is displayed

You can use graphic parameters to adjust how the chart is displayed.

1.  On the chart toolbar, click the desired button.

2.  Make the desired changes:

Toolbar button Name Description

Edit window graphic parameters

Choose the background color for the chart window

Edit title graphic parameters

  • Chart title: the chart title is shown above the chart. If you do not enter a chart title, Vissim generates a chart title based on the objects selected. You can change the title.
  • Chart title font size: font size in points
  • Chart title visibility:  If this option is selected, the chart title is displayed above the chart.

Edit legend graphic parameters

  • Legend visibility:  If this option is selected, the legend is displayed at the position selected in the Legend position attribute.
  • Legend position: Choose the desired position for the legend
  • Legend font size: Font size in points

Edit drawing area graphic parameters

  • Grid visibility:  If this option is selected, vertical and horizontal grid lines are shown in the chart.
  • Activate automatic zoom:
  •  Select this option to have Vissim automatically show the entire digram.
  •  If this option is not selected, you can zoom:
  • Point the mouse pointer to the diagram and rotate the mouse wheel.
  • Hold down the left mouse button and use the mouse pointer to drag open a frame over the section with the diagram that want to show enlarged. Release the mouse button.

Edit x-axis graphic parameters

Show or hide elements on the X axis:

  • Axis title: Name of x-axis which is displayed under x-axis
  • Axis title visibility:  Select this option to show the x-axis title below the chart.
  • Axis title font size: Font size in points
  • Axis label visibility:  Select this option to show the x-axis label below the chart.
  • Axis label font size: Font size in points
  • Axis label interval: Show label of data series only for every n-th position. 1 = Label for each data series, 2 = Label for every second data series, etc.
  • Axis unit visibility:  Select this option to show the units of the x-axis below the chart.

Edit y-axis graphic parameters

Show or hide elements on the X axis:

  • Axis title: Name of y-axis displayed to the left of y-axis
  • Axis title visibility:  Select this option to show the y-axis title to the left of the chart.
  • Axis title font size: Font size in points
  • Axis label visibility:  Select this option to show the y-axis label next to the chart.
  • Axis label font size: Font size in points
  • Axis label interval: Show label of data series only for every n-th position. 1 = Label for each data series, 2 = Label for every second data series, etc.
  • Axis unit visibility:  Select this option to show the units of the y-axis next to the chart.

Editing data series graphic parameters

Opens a list box for selection of the attribute whose graphic parameters you want to select. After you have selected the desired attribute in the list box, the graphic parameters list opens:

  • Series type: Chart type
  • Name: Data series name for legend. Default: Long name of the attribute.
  • Line: Line chart
  • Column: Bar chart
  • Line style:
  • Solid line
  • Dashed line
  • No line
  • Line color:
  • With a bar chart: color of the bar outline
  • With a line chart: color of the line connecting the data points of the attribute values
  • Fill style:
  • Solid fill: the Fill color attribute is used
  • No fill
  • Fill color: Only with bar charts: fill color for the bars
  • Marker style: If you create a line chart, select the shape of the symbol that represents the attribute value in the chart.
  • Disk
  • Diamond
  • Square
  • None
  • Marker size: Symbol size in points

3.  Confirm with OK.

The chart is shown with the changes.

Superordinate topic:

Configuring a created chart