Configuring signal times table on signal controller
1. On the Signal Control menu, click > Signal Controllers.
The Signal Controllers list opens.
2. Right-click the desired signal controller.
3. On the shortcut menu, click Edit.
The Signal Controller window opens.
4. Select the Signal Times Table Config. tab.
Tip: For external control procedures, more information such as, for example, stage states can be shown in addition to signal groups and detectors. For further details on displaying additional data, refer to the documentation for the respective control program. |
5. Make the desired changes:
Element |
Description |
Automatic signal times table configuration |
Deselect this option to configure the signal times table manually. The following areas are shown. Then in the sections Type (category) and the list next to it, you can select entries and organize them in the section on the right. This allows you to specify the data you want to show in the signal times table. |
List on the left Type (Category) |
Select the Type whose data you want to show in the signal times table. Click the For some types, you must choose a corresponding object number from the list box on the right SG No., Port No. or CP No.. The heading of the list box depends on the type you have selected, e.g. SG No.. |
List in the middle SG No., Det No., CP No. |
If there are several numbers available, select a type-specific number, e.g. a detector no. or signal group no. To select entries in long lists, use the Page up, Page down, Pos1, End and arrow keys. |
Click the corresponding button to add the selected entry to the list on the right and specify which data is shown in the signal times table. |
List on right |
Shows all objects selected in the defined sequence for output in the evaluations window, chosen under Type (category). |
Signal group label: |
Labeling of the rows in the signal times table for signal groups:
Detector label: |
Labeling of the rows in the signal times table for detectors:
6. Configure the display of the signal times table (Configuring the display settings for a signal times table).
7. Confirm with OK.
8. Start the simulation (Running a simulation).
For each selected signal controller, an SC Signal Times Table window opens with the signal controller number in the window title (Showing signal times table in a window). Signal states and detector states are displayed dynamically.
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